Thursday, October 31, 2019

Unit 2 Individual Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Unit 2 Individual Project - Essay Example n influences others, is obeyed by, works hard in a crisis situation and has a clear idea of what the company wants to achieve and why it wants to achieve this. Leadership models that have been used for long include the four main categories: trait, behavioral, contingency and transformational. There is McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, McGregor made two basic assumptions about employee behavior and categorized it as X and Y. Theory X workers are not hard-working and dislike work while Theory Y workers are the opposite. A research done at The Ohio State University states that successful leaders have two behavioral dimensions: initiating structure and consideration. The research at the University of Michigan is somewhat similar; they said that leaders are either employee oriented or production oriented. The Leadership Grid gives an idea of how the five types of leadership styles are segmented across two factors which is either concern for people or concern for production. The continuum of leadership describes two types of leadership: boss-centered and employee-centered. This model is on the basis of choices managers make regarding subordinated involvement in the decision making process. Whenever problems such as those faced by companies such as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and ImClone are encountered most of the responsibility falls upon the CEO’s shoulders and she is the one who is held accountable. The CEO holds a lot of formal power through the virtue of his position; this power is measured by duality with the Chairman of the Board position. Informal power comes from the prestige factor of the job. The power of the CEO is more immediate than the Board, as the Board does not meet on a regular basis. Day to day handling of the company is done by the CEO. The Board elects the CEO and trusts him to carry out her job to the best of his abilities. The CEO has power to set the agenda and assemble the meetings for the board. The CEO is responsible for setting the aims and

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